Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 5939
Annual Return Start: 25 Sep 2000
Annual Return End: 24 Sep 2001
Date Received: 27 Nov 2001
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
M2 Monitoring of leachate at point 2 undertaken during only one quarter. Licence requires quarterly monitoring. Monitoring of stormwater discharged from point 4 is required to be undertaken once every 6mths only one 6mth sample was taken. N/A N/A
M10 Monitoring of volume, date and time of leachate irrigation to utilisation area not undertaken. N/A N/A
U Pollution reduction studies U2.1 and U5.1 not completed by due date of 1st June 2001. N/A N/A